Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Dancing Towers by Studio Daniel Libeskind, Seoul, South Korea

Picture of Dancing Towers on the plot
Click to enlarge
Dancing Towers by Studio Daniel Libeskind, Seoul, South Korea
© Crystal  

Studio Daniel Libeskind designed three new skyscrapers for new Yongsan International Business District YIBD development in Seoul, South Korea. The skyscrapers called Dancing Towers, because of their dynamic design, will house residences, retail and commercial spaces.

"Dancing Towers, a project that is part of the new Yongsan International Business District YIBD development in Seoul, is a mixed used development that consists of three 41 story residential towers,( a total of 834 total residential units) with amenities, retail, parking and a connecting commercial podium base.

The design for the Dancing Towers is inspired by the traditional Korean Buddhist Dance known as Seung-Moo. The subtle rotation of the towers creates the illusion they are dancing, as inspired by the long sleeves of the Seung-Moo dancer’s traditional costumes, gracefully propelled by the dancer’s movements. The towers are engineered with a unique structure of a central concrete core and alternating cantilevered fin walls to support the floors that create column free buildings that allow the forms to ‘dance’ and twist while opening up panoramic views from the apartment interiors.

While creating an interrelated composition, the location of the three towers in the site and each tower’s rotations are oriented to create maximum light and views toward the water, the YIBD project, the city of Seoul and the mountains beyond for the residents."
          -Studio Daniel Libeskind  

Read more about Yongsan International Business District, Triple One Landmark Tower and Dancing Dragons Towers

Picture of Dancing Towers position on the site
Click to enlarge
Dancing Towers by Studio Daniel Libeskind, Seoul, South Korea

Picture of Dancing Towers as seen from the street
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Dancing Towers by Studio Daniel Libeskind, Seoul, South Korea
© Crystal  

Picture of Dancing Towers as seen from the street at sunset
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Dancing Towers by Studio Daniel Libeskind, Seoul, South Korea
© Crystal  

Picture of Dancing Towers as seen from the street with vegetation and landscape
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Dancing Towers by Studio Daniel Libeskind, Seoul, South Korea
© Crystal  

Picture of retail part at Dancing Towers as seen from the street
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Dancing Towers by Studio Daniel Libeskind, Seoul, South Korea
© Crystal  

Picture of retail part of the complex at Dancing Towers
Click to enlarge
Dancing Towers by Studio Daniel Libeskind, Seoul, South Korea
© Crystal  

Picture of Dancing Towers complex as seen from the air
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Dancing Towers by Studio Daniel Libeskind, Seoul, South Korea
© Crystal  

Picture of Dancing Towers base as seen from the street
Click to enlarge
Dancing Towers by Studio Daniel Libeskind, Seoul, South Korea
© Crystal  

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